Monday, December 29, 2014

Look Not Behind Thee

HI family!! It was seriously so good to see and talk to you on Christmas!! Even though I was sick, it made me happy for many reasons!!! :) I'm so glad that everyone is doing well! I was also happy that Nicki, Rob, Casey, Matt and Nathan were there even though I was a hot mess, haha sorry not sorry. The rest of the day was pretty chill, I just laid on the couch trying not to move too much. Sister Stock and I picked The Last Song for our movie to watch. I know its pretty random but we wanted a chick flick and it was a pretty long one so we just went with it. Its a pretty cute movie! The rest of the week was pretty good, I am still recovering from my illness which is always fun! Especially on a mission! Said no one ever. But the Dalton's are amazing and took really good care of me so no worries I am feeling a ton better! 

Well last Tuesday, our zone and the north zone had a Christmas conference all day which was pretty great! They mainly talked about creative ways to find people to teach and for us to remember that every moment is a teaching moment. The mission gave all of us missionaries a picture of the Denver temple that says "Begin with the end in mind". One of the apostles gave a talk with that title to all of the new mission presidents this past summer so President Rehm really wants us to focus on that. What it means is that when we meet people and start teaching them that we need to being with the end (the temple) in mind. We need to see them in temple clothing and see who they can truly become. Its a really great talk! Here's the article:

Also, during our lunch break one of the AP's came in dressed as Santa Claus to hand out us the pictures. It was pretty hilarious. Near the end of the meeting, President Rehm asked all of the missionaries that are going home in January and February to come up on the stand to give their departing testimony. WAIT, WHAT? I don't remember much of what I said but I remember that I talked about how much I have changed on the mission. I am proud of the person that I am becoming because I have allowed the gospel to change me. And I gave some grandma mission advice to all the youngins haha. It was really surreal but I was glad that I was able to stand in front of other missionaries and bear my testimony of the happiness that I have felt while serving the Lord.

I seriously love this work and I I know that God has a plan for us. That knowledge helps put it into perspective for me that the decisions that I make, even the small ones, do matter. And that I can only help others make good decisions as well but that its up to them whether they want to act on those promptings or not. God is good!! As the new year of 2015 approaches, we should all be making resolutions to come closer to Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Watch this Mormon Message, its really good and also hilarious. 
"The past is to be learned from, not lived in." Elder Jeffery R. Holland

I love all of you!! Stay safe and have a great week! Talk to you then :)

Sister Peterson 

Monday, December 22, 2014

He is the Gift!

Hey family!! Oh my word, I am so excited to Skype y'all on Christmas! I know that you're excited too ;) It's always so nice seeing your faces! You're all so precious! 

My week was pretty good, Sister Stock has her physical therapy appointments for her wrist twice a week in the Springs so we do quite a bit of traveling. We had exchanges with the sister training leaders on Wednesday. I went to their area in Gleneagle with Sister Fisher. We had a first lesson with this girl named Julie whose in high school. They had tracted into her dad a few weeks ago and he actually referred his daughters to the sisters which is different but hey it works! She was way cool and had an open mind about learning about different faiths. Its interesting because a lot of people who want to learn more about different religions, usually say that the Mormon faith sticks out to them more than others. Hmmm... I wonder why that is. Oh yeah, I know. Cause its the truth and somewhere down inside people, their spirits know that and they yearn for that truth whether their head knows that or not. 

Our recent convert, Cameron baptized an eighteen year old girl named Megan on Saturday! That was so cool to see because he just got baptized in September and now he had the privilege to baptize someone else! He was so excited and nervous that it took them two times, but its all good though. He did great! 

Sad day.. there is a member in the Calhan ward that is in the hospital right now. She has an infection and had to get surgery on Saturday and then has to go through surgery again in three weeks. She is one of my mission moms who I just absolutely adore. Please pray for their family, it would be so hard especially at this time of year to be in the hospital away from family. On Saturday night, Sister Stock and I snuck into her hospital room when she was in her surgery and decorated her room for Christmas. Its neat because Sister Stock's mom had sent her lights a few days before this and Sister McGee had mentioned how she wished that she could have lights up in her room so we made it happen. As we were decorating her room, I was just thinking to myself how that right there is the true meaning of Christmas. Its not in the presents or in Santa Claus but its in doing those small acts of kindness for those around us. Its putting others needs above our own and that is something that I have really learned on the mission. Its a knowledge that will bless me for the rest of my life. 

There's a really good article in this month's Ensign by President Howard W. Hunter and he said "This Christmas, mend quarrel. Seek out forgotten friendDismiss suspicion and replacit with trust. Write letter. Give soft answer. Encourage youth. Manifest your loyaltin word and deed. Keep promise. Forgo grudge. Forgive an enemy. Apologize. Try to understand. Examine your demands on others. Think first of someone else. Be kind. Be gentle. Laugh little more. Express your gratitudeWelcome stranger. Gladden the heart of child. Take pleasure in the beauty and wonder of the earth. Speak your love and then speak it again." I LOVE that so much. That's the true meaning of Christmas and that's the gift that we can give our Savior, who gave us everything.

Love you!!! See your faces on Thursday!! :)

Merry Christmas!
Sister Peterson 

Sister McGee's decorated hospital room
We may have decided to test out the bed to see if it was comfy or not.. it passed.
I totally held a bearded dragon. I was only kind of scared. 

Monday, December 15, 2014

It's the most wonderful time of the year

Soooooo.... we moved. Again. Haha I feel like I'm getting really good at this whole moving thing. Now we live with the Dalton's aka the best family ever!! We live with the mom, dad and their twelve year old daughter, Grace. They have a son on a mission in Peru who just left in October. They are so sweet and I really love living here! 

So here's my new address:
12144 Pine Valley Circle
Peyton, CO 80831

We're teaching a returning less active named C. We meet in a member's home and she tells us what she wants to learn that day. So we read the chapter on that subject from the Gospel Principles book with her. Its really cool because she's the one that sought out the missionaries because she wanted to be active again. Her husband's not a member but he lives in Missouri right now so she's moving there in January.

The relief society had a Christmas gala/gift exchange on Thursday which was a lot of fun. J and K were both there! Cool fact: K's husband came to sacrament meeting yesterday because their daughters were singing. That was a miracle because he has never been to church before and that made K super happy! He also went to the stake Christmas devotional last night which is a huge deal for him to even step foot inside a church building! So we are hoping that her husband's heart is being softened and that we will see miracles from this.

I have seen a ton of tender mercies from my Father in Heaven this week with Him just letting me know that He's there and that He loves me. Its really through those simple, small ways that we can feel God's love. I have been privileged to feel even a little bit of how Heavenly Father feels about His children. I know that as we serve others, we are serving God. I know that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ want us to give back because we have been given much from them. So, go out and serve someone this week and help them to feel of that love. 

I finished Alma a few days ago and am now on Helaman! I love reading from the Book of Mormon and feeling the peace that it brings into my life. How's your Book of Mormon reading going? Also, I hit sixteen months yesterday which is completely crazy. I can't believe that Christmas is next week! I am so excited to skype y'all!!! You all mean the world to me. Love you!! Have a happy safe week! 

 Sister Peterson 

Happy birthday to my main girl, Nicki! Okay I just have to say... I dunno bout you but I'm feelin twenty twwoooooooo! When did we get so old?! I am so grateful that I have you in my life and I hope that you had a wonderful day! I love you!! 

Happy birthday to mama fresh on Friday! You are one of the coolest moms ever! Thanks for always being there for me :)

Monday, December 8, 2014


Hey everyone! How was your week? Getting in the holiday spirit?! 

Mine week was pretty great! Let's see...

Transfers were Tuesday. My trainer, Sister Mangisi went home. That was hard to say bye because she has become a really close friend and I love her a lot! But I'm excited for this new chapter in her life! 

We had zone training on Friday where we received "He is the Gift" pass along cards which y'all should have in your December issue of the Ensign so look out for those! And pass them out too, that would be great! People need to be reminded of the true meaning of Christmas and that Christ was the first gift that our loving Father in Heaven gave to the world. 

The ward Christmas party was on Saturday. The theme was A Night in Bethlehem so they had all of these food booths set up that we had to pay for with our gold coins and we sat on the floor so it felt like we were outside and they put on a program about Christ's birth.

This brother in our ward invited his boss and her family who invited other families so there were about fifteen or so non-members there which was awesome!! Sister Stock and I tied Joy to the World DVDs to BofMs to give out as gifts and two of the people took them. One of the guys that we talked to for awhile told us that he's divorced and his two sons from his first marriage just got baptized into our church. That was pretty cool! He said that he would read the BofM and go from there. It was neat because he said that it would give him something to talk to his sons about. K also came with her two daughters! YAYY! 

The First Presidency Christmas Devotional was amazing! I really enjoyed all of the talks especially Elder D. Todd Christofferson's about how all of our experiences will be for our good because I wrote about that in my email last week. Its like I knew! I just love this time of year because people seem to be a little bit kinder and are more willing to listen to us testify of Jesus Christ.

I am incredibly grateful that my brother, Jesus Christ came to earth for me personally. I know that He knows exactly what I am going through and because I know that, I know that He walks side by side with me at all times. I love Him! 

I also got a letter from my mission president saying that I am one of the most senior missionaries in the mission now and I got that "finishers wanted" talk by President Monson. Soooo that was weird. Trying to ignore that... haha. 

Love y'all! Talk to you next week :)

 Sister Peterson 

Monday, December 1, 2014

For Our Good

I'm so happy to hear that everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I did too! We went to like five different member's houses to visit and eat (confessions of a foodaholic). And we watched Frozen which was a cute movie!
So we taught S twice last week and that went very well! He is so excited for his baptism in January! He left for Utah this morning so we had to say goodbye to him last night and that was not fun!! He has become such a good friend and I am grateful that I had the privilege of teaching him. He wanted our emails so that he could send us pictures of his baptism. Literally can't wait to get those!!
We volunteered at the soup kitchen again. We drove down with Jackie and her mom and that was super fun! I love being able to serve others who are less fortunate then us.
This is a cool story! So a little background information first. So Sister Stock has been super sick since Friday morning so we have been in since then #cabinfever so I have been going slightly crazy (well we both have but I won't tell you about that haha its pretty embarrassing) But anyways, so we get a call from our bishop and he tells us that a mom and daughter just randomly walked into church and he gave us their number, we called them and have an appointment set up for Wednesday and the mom sounded really excited! The cool part about this is that a family who lived in the ward nine months ago invited the daughter to last year's trunk or treat but she didn't go and now nine months later they just walk into church! That is just a testimony to me that its so important that we invite people to activities even if they don't come because you never know the impact that it can have on them. Pray that our appointment goes well!!
Transfers are tomorrow and I'm staying in Meridian with Sister Stock for six more weeks. I am really excited because she is awesome and this is a great area!
I am so grateful for this opportunity that I have been given to serve my Father in Heaven and the people of Colorado. It has been a huge blessing to me. I know that this Gospel is true and that through it people can change and become better. I know that I have changed and become better because of it. I know that Jesus Christ knows exactly what I am going through because He went through it first. I know that we are given trials for our benefit, learning and growth and that they will be for our good. (D&C 122:7). I know that God loves me and that He loves every one of you. Let Him in and let him change you! Also, check out!!
Love you all! Have a great week!
Sister Peterson

Monday, November 24, 2014

Have an Attitude of Gratitude-President Monson

Hi everyone! How was your week? My week was pretty great! Here are some updates:

We are still teaching S! He is getting baptized in January in Utah where his parents live. The other day he told us that he wants to serve a mission!!! We basically freaked out, we were so happy! He will be 26 when we leaves but that doesn't stop him from doing what God wants him to do. He's way cool and we have been over to teach him almost every day.

HAPPY THANKSGIVING on Thursday! I am so excited to eat. I think I remember saying something about stretchy pants last year? Yeah, that happened... but seriously though I will be wearing a stretchy skirt because we've been invited to four different houses. Kind of excited about it, haha. So we can watch one PG or G rated movie so we're going to watch Frozen because Sister Stock is obsessed with it and I've never seen it. So I might just become cool now that I've seen Frozen even though its sooooo last year. I am so eternally grateful for all the people that are in my life. You have all impacted my life in different ways and you mean so much to me. I feel so blessed. I have had a wonderful life and its because you are in my life. I'm grateful for my loving parents who raised me to be a true disciple of Christ. You have given me everything that I could ever want in life and have sacrificed so much for me. I love all five of my sisters so much. I am so happy that we are all so close (even though some of you are better at writing me then others! Just sayin..) I wouldn't trade our memories together for anything! Words can't really express how thankful I am for all of you. But you know that I love you! I have the best family in the world. Its fine to be jealous :)

What are you grateful for? I have been writing in a gratitude journal and that has helped me to remember the things that I am blessed with. Heavenly Father has literally gave me everything that I have. We need to be showing our gratitude daily. 

Happy birthday on Friday, Leah!! Can't believe you're seriously. That's crazy. Whatta big girl. Auntie misses you sooo much!! Give her squishes for me! 

Remember all of the many blessings that you receive daily!  I love you! Talk to you next week! Have a happy thanksgiving!!

Sister Peterson 

By the way, I was literally in heaven holding those kittens. Does anyone want one? This family is giving them away for free! There's like a million of them running around. So presh.

Monday, November 17, 2014

The Mini Mission

The mission tour with Elder Baxter was great! He talked about how we need to start with the end in mind. He said that when we need to make sure that we are secure in the gospel before we can help someone else out. It was very inspiring and made me want to be better. 

We helped volunteer at a soup kitchen on Wednesday which was a ton of fun! I was on slop duty and trays of nasty food were flying everywhere. You can imagine that now haha. It was worth it! I was able to share the gospel with the girl that was doing the job with me so that was neat! So funny story...this old guy that was helping out turned to me and said
 "Are you a nurse?"
"well you have a face to be a nurse (what does that mean?!). Do you ever just look at yourself in the mirror and think I am beautiful?"
"No, not really"
....yeah, so that was more on the strange side of things as far as every day conversations go but that's just the mish life for ya haha. We are going back the day before Thanksgiving to help out. Which I am excited for because I have really learned how important it is to always be serving others. 

Elizabeth's baptism was so powerful! I was so grateful that I was able to be there. Her mom, S, told me that she is going to get baptized in December so its official!! I'm hoping to get back there for her baptism too! I'm grateful that Sister Brewerton aka Mama Brewerton was willing to drive us to the baptism. She's the best! #cheesecakefactory

We had lessons with J on Friday and Sunday night. On Friday we talked to her about the importance of reading our scriptures. And on Sunday night, we taught her the message of the Restoration of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Although she was baptized four years ago she has forgotten a ton of doctrine so we are reteaching her the lessons. Praying that she will come to church this Sunday! We have another appointment with her on Friday to teach the Plan of Salvation. 

This weekend, Jackie came on a mini mission with us! So, she was with us Friday-Sunday #trio. It was seriously so much fun! We grew really close over the past few days and we were able to help answer questions that she has about the gospel and hopefully helped her out with things. She is a great girl and I just love her so much! 

K came to church again with her daughters! She joined the ward choir and they performed in sacrament meeting yesterday. She told me that she doesn't know when she will get baptized but that she is thinking about it. She's worried about her family because they don't support her at all. 

We are starting to teach a guy named S who is getting re-baptized. He's moving in two weeks though so we will teach him the lessons here and then he will be baptized in his new ward. Its pretty exciting!! 

It was a great week. There are a lot of things going on! Its a good area. This week should be really busy as well which is always super nice. I hope y'all are happy and are making good choices. Remember who you are! Have a fabulous week :)

Talk to you next week! 
Sister Peterson 

Monday, November 10, 2014



Its been a crazyyyy uhm I mean busy week! haha its always an adventure on the mish! 

We've been continuing doing role-plays with the ward and that's been going really well. Its nice to have the opportunity to teach the lessons more frequently to improve our teaching skills. 

At Preach my Gospel class on Thursday, one of the youth came up and introduced her friend to us. Her friends name is J and has member boyfriend who is at BYU right now, he leaves on his mission soon. She doesn't want to do the whole party school thing for college so she wants to go to BYU. I told her that's what my mom wanted too so it was cool to have that story to relate to her. She told her friend to convert her so she seems really solid. We are hoping to start teaching her this week!

K came to church again yesterday with her two daughters. We're just waiting for her to take the next step at this point. 

We had zone training on Friday and it was all about loving the people that we teach. They talked about how we really need to be truly loving those whom we teach and serve because they can tell if your love for them is sincere or not. It made me think of ways that I could improve in that aspect and it motivated me to try harder to love those that I teach. Its so crucial that we have charity and love in our hearts for the people that we come in contact with each day. I've been praying for that and have noticed a change in me.

This week is going to be busy! We have the mission tour, an RS activity, role plays, volunteering at a soup kitchen and one of the young women is going on a mini mission with us this weekend! This girl is really struggling so we wanted her to come out with us feel the happiness that sharing the gospel brings. 

Tomorrow we have our mission tour with Elder Baxter from the Seventy. I'm excited to see what he will have to teach us! 

Guess what?! On Saturday, I am going back to my old area, Lone Tree for a baptism! Remember Sarah who got baptized back in August? Well her twelve year old sister has decided to be baptized as well. And then their mom is getting baptized when Sarah is on break from school. I am so stoked to be there for her special day!!!

Love and miss y'all! Have a happy week and remember to share the gospel with someone! 

Sister Peterson 

Monday, November 3, 2014

He Hears Me

Hi everyone!

Let's see....

Halloween is just one of the best holidays! We had district meeting where one of the elders dressed up as a ninja. There's always that one...haha. It was a fun day! That morning, we went to the church building to help out with the seminary. carnival. I can't believe that I used to wake up that hideously early for seminary. Props to all you early morning seminary kids! 

So, me and three other sisters were in a fashion shoot this week! Not a big deal or anything haha but really. There's this lady in my ward whose husband is less active and she wanted us to model the clothes for her facebook page. The brand is called LuLaRoe and they are the cutest clothes ever! Basically, I was in heaven! Look up her page! Lularoe by Alecia. I haven't seen all of the pictures yet so I'm scared but there ya go! Also, mom if you want to just give me some money for Christmas I would love to buy her clothes. She gives missionaries a huge discount. Just throwin that idea out there...

So, not sure if I have mentioned this or not but President Rhem changed our key indicators to where we need to be teaching the full 45 minute lesson to count as an "other lesson". So he wants us to role-play the lessons to every family in our wards. It has been going really well so far! We have been able to teach a ton of the families and its great practice for us to practice the lessons. That's been keeping us super busy! 

So about every four months in my mission we have a Work of Salvation Fireside where investigators, recent converts and less actives speak. We asked our recent convert, C to speak and he did such a great job! I loved being there because I love hearing others conversion stories and how the gospel has blessed their lives. Every single one of us has our own story that needs to be shared. The Spirit was very strong. 

As you know yesterday was fast Sunday and I was fasting for a few different things. One was that we would see miracles this transfer mainly involving our investigator, K. So, we're walking into gospel principles and she is sitting there!!! Right then and there, I KNEW that Heavenly Father had answered mt prayers and fast. She stayed all three hours and she actually opened up to me a lot about her involvement with the church and concerns that she has. She loves reading the scriptures and has her own quad! How legit is that? Her daughters come with her and love going to primary. Her husband is the main thing that is holding her back. So, we are praying for his heart to be softened. That experience was just a testimony to me that Heavenly Father listens to me and will always answer me, maybe not in the way that I want but I KNOW that He is there. 


Happy 22nd birthday, Ally b! I hope that b.k. made it a really special day for you ;) I miss knockin doors with you all day errey day ya chump! 

Happy 23rd birthday, Meggy! Girl you know that I would give you a shout out. I love you!!!

Crystal, happy birthday on Sunday! I won't reveal your age....haha. I hope that you have a fabulous day, miss you, sister! 

Matt and Casey, Ahhh I am so happy that you are getting sealed in the temple on Friday. I wish I could be there but I don't think that Pres. Rhem would approve but just know that I will be there in spirit! I'll be thinking of you two! Y'all are so precious and I am so happy for your little family. I know that your Father in Heaven is so proud of the decisions that you've made in your life that has led you both to this point. He loves you and wants you to be a forever family. I love your family!! 

That's about it for me. Talk to y'all next week!!! Choose the right, yo! 

Sister Peterson

Monday, October 27, 2014

Sisterssssss...We FLY!

y'all better get that reference)

Hey everyone, 

I had a great week. Just livin up the mish life! Happy Halloween on Friday, what's everyone doing? Send me pictures!! 

Tuesdays we had interviews with President Rehm and one of the first things he said to me was "If I remember correctly you go home in Febrary. So that's three transfers so that's 18 weeks." I was like "UHM...WHAT?" He then proceeded to tell me that when people ask me about going home that it should push me to feel a sense of urgency to be the best that I can be. And honestly, that's all I want. I want to be the best missionary for my Father in Heaven. He deserves me to work my hardest for His children. So, at first what seemed like a weird comment from my mission president turned into some wise council from him ha. 

I went on exchanges with Sister Durtschi, a sister training leader. She is so awesome! We came out together so we've known each other awhile. Matt, she knows your family because she is from Ridgecrest. Small world! 

This area has a lot of service going on which is awesome! I have totally learned to love serving people on the mission. I wasn't the best at it before because I was a ridiculous girl but now I know the importance of serving those around us. That is when I can truly love someone when I see them through God's eyes. 

Saturday, was the Trunk or Treat! It was a ton of fun and a lot of non-members came. Our ward is on fire with inviting people to church and activities. It's refreshing. K, our investigator was there with her husband who isn't as interested as her so that was neat. J, the less active that we are working with came but it was just for the free food..... but it was the first time that she stepped inside a church building in six-eight months. So, that's progress! We helped her clean her house on Friday and asked her if we could re-teach her the lessons and she was up for it but then last minute she cancelled on us and didn't come to church :( What a let down!! But that's the way the mission goes, just have to allow yourself to be sad for them for a minute and then pick yourself back up and go help someone else in need. 

This is really random but there's a sister in the ward that trained Sister Saldavar from the District 2. Haha so that's my claim to fame! 

Lately, I have been focusing on chapter six in Preach my Gospel. It's the Christlike Attribute chapter. Sister Durtschi and I taught it in our pmg class on Thursday. I have been studying the attribute of charity and love. I know that everything we do stems out of our love for that person or thing. Christ loved everyone perfectly and although we can't do that because it's really hard and none of us are perfect, He will help us if we let Him. I have been praying to have more charity and love for my fellowmen and I know that Heavenly Father has blessed me with more patience or seeing someone's point of view. Just little things like that but to me they make a huge difference. I want to challenge you to do the Christlike Attribute activity and let know how it goes! I know that it will bless your life as you try to be more like Christ. Plus you will become happier and who doesn't want that? :)


Hailey, Happy sixteenth birthday today!! Stop growing up so fast, it's just weird!! Enjoy your day and have fun with mom! Don't forget to beat those boys off with a stick ;) (Dad, this comment is for you.) How's driving going? 

Sister Knight, happy birthday to you last week!! (I dunno about you but I'm feelin twenty-twooooo) You are a rockstar and are doing fabulous things for the people in Utah!! I hope you had a great birthday. Love you!! 

Hermana Infanzon, can't believe that you will be home in blessed PA on Thursday! You served an AMAZING mission. I am so proud of you and I know that your Heavenly Father is pleased with the work that you have done. You have blessed so many lives in El Salvador and the people will never forget you. I can't wait to go back and visit the mish with you, boo! Te amo mucho!!! :) Have a safe flight and write me ASAP. 

Love you! Miss you!! Make me proud by sharing the gospel with someone this week! Dad told me a cool story in his email about sharing his testimony. Now, everyone please do the same! 

Sister Peterson 

Monday, October 20, 2014

My Companions a Cripple

Sooo I know you're all just dying to know how my new area and companion are! And to answer both of those things, they are awesome! This area has a lot going on. We have activities going on every night basically so that's been really nice to be busy. We go to mutual on Tuesdays, pmg planning with the district on Wednesdays, Thursdays is a preach my gospel class with the youth in the 3 wards and we play sports after and Saturday is sports night with the youth. So we work with the youth a lot and its really fun!! They are on fire with sharing the gospel with their friends! 

And my companion, Sister Stock is 19, from Idaho Falls, Idaho, went to BYU-I for a year before the mission and has been out for six months and has one arm. ...Seriously. Nah, just kidding. She broke her wrist the week before I got here playing an intense came called church dodge ball. Crazy right? So I have been taking care of her basically earning my mom points as we like to call it haha. She is really awesome though. She is a hard worker and is very bold, so we throw down on everyone and work well together. So, it's been really great so far! We have a few potentials that we are trying to work with and then an investigator named Kristie who is close to a baptism date but doesn't want to be rushed. She asked the sisters before I got here if we could do a last minute baptism if she randomly called her one day? UHM HECK YES. We're also working closely with a less active lady named Jody who said that she would come to church on Sunday and apparently she never said that before so that's winning! 

We had stake conference this weekend. Always makes me think of dad. Yesterday, it was broadcast from Salt Lake and Elder Bednar and Elder Scott both spoke. They were both really great talks about prayer and revelation. It was like a little dose of General Conference! 

We have the ward trunk or treat on Saturday which is going to be really fun even though we can't dress up... black and orange will have to do, right?

Random: But the family that we live with are the Parcells and they have two cats! This is the first time on my mission that I have lived with cats! Miracles! THeir names are Lexi and George and they are so precious. Makes me a happy sister missionary! hahaha Sister Stock and I both have crazy cat lady syndrome. Sorry bout it. 

I know that the Gospel of Jesus Christ can change lives. I have seen it and my life has changed because of it. God is good!! Thank Him each day for the many blessings that you have because of Him. I've been reading in Mosiah when Abinadi is speaking to wicked King Noah and I love what Abinadi says  And now if Christ had not come into the world, speaking of things to come as though they had already come, there could have been no redemption.
 And if Christ had not risen from the dead, or have broken the bands of death that the grave should have no victory, and that death should have no sting, there could have been no resurrection.
 But there is a resurrection, therefore the grave hath no victory, and the sting of death is swallowed up in Christ.
 He is the light and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
Christ is our light and because of Him, we can all live again and live with those that we love!! So let's all be a little more happier and enthusiastic about sharing the good news of what Christ has done for us with those around you. 
That's about it for me. I hope that y'all have a blessed week! Love you! Miss you! 
Sister Peterson 

pics: we did service on a farm on Saturday and bottle fed these cute baby goats!
Saying goodbye to Sister Harrop :(

Monday, October 13, 2014

Next Stop CO Springs

Hey everyone!

This just in: I am getting transferred to the Colorado Springs East Zone. I will be in the Meridian ward with Sister Stock. I am excited and ready for this change! It possibly could be my last area...freaking out only slightly. But it will be good and now the only challenge is packing (that worst thing ever!) I don't know how I have collected so much stuff over the past fourteen months but I have so mom, look out for a truck load of stuff coming home. Haha only kidding.. more like ten boxes.

My last week (who knew!) in Lone Tree was pretty great! 

Sister Harrop and I met the funniest guy at the library last week. He was a Southern black so of course he was automatically cool haha. His name was C but everyone calls him cornbread (that's normal, right?) We talked to him about Jesus Christ and gave him "The Lamb of God" and "Finding Faith in Christ" DVDS. He lives in the Springs and travels a lot for his salesperson job so sadly he doesn't live around here but maybe I will run into him again since I'm going to the Springs! He was really hilarious though and called us Harrop and Peterson and kept saying that we were models and referred to himself in the third person. 
You meet the most interesting people on the mission! 

Yesterday, I said goodbye to a ton of people which is always sad! Its a great ward and the people are awesome. I promised a few people that I would come back and visit someday. I will miss Sister Harrop! We have become so close over the past two transfers and she is a great missionary. But we are excited to be reunited when we both go home together. Change is always nice so I am just off to another great adventure on the mission. 

That's about it for me. I love and miss everyone!!! Have a happy week! Pray to be an answer to someone's prayers.
As I have been doing that, Heavenly Father has led me to those that need His message. Try it out!

Sister Peterson 

pics: you know I had to hahaha #fierce 

Monday, October 6, 2014

General Conference was Monumental!


I have a few highlights for the week... 

Tuesday, we got to watch Meet the Mormons and it was an A+! It was so touching and really well done. Dad, you were right, I totally cried at the last story of the "missionary mom". I just loved hearing her share her story about how hard her life was before she found the truth. It was neat to see how happy she became and how the gospel saved her life. Shout out to sister missionaries who taught her! It was cool to see the ripple effect of her decision to join the church lead to her son serving a mission to bless others lives. I love when she said "to give the missionaries a chance and to listen to them like I hope they will listen to my son." If people just gave us a chance, they would be able to feel of the Spirit and they could know the truth of what we teach. 

And of course. General Conference was a huge highlight for me!! I went into conference with a ton of questions and most of them were answered in one way or another. I have a strong testimony that when we ask, we WILL receive. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of me and what I need. We were at member's homes for all five sessions. I even watched Priesthood session #winning. Mom, you would be happy to know that I took notes like nobodies business. Twenty-nine pages to be exact. My notebook pages are small but still. It was so good that I was soaking it up! I love how they talked about decisions and choices. Its really up to us how we want to progress in the gospel. Love what James J. Hamula of the Seventy said "Although all of us will return to God, not all of us will remain with Him." SO TRUE. That was a very thought provoking comment. True, we all will return to God after we pass on from this life but all of us will not remain with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. I know where I want to be. Do you? 

Other then those highlights, my week was pretty normal. We were walking around last night and noticed a less active that we have been trying to meet was outside. Talk about timing right? So, we went over to introduce ourselves and basically met his entire family including his active mother and step father. His mother pulled us aside and told us a bit about him and got a little bit emotional because she blames herself for him not being active. She asked for our number so that she could call us to chat more about how we can help her sons. Its a part member situation and the wife was so sweet. They asked when Trunk or Treat was because they are planning on taking their one year old son to it! Oh the power of church activities! Invite all your friends to trunk or treat this year! Starting last week, every Tuesday we are going to walk a less active ladies dog. Wish it was a cat but ndb. 

Transfers are next Tuesday so I will find out if I am staying or going on Saturday night if I get a phone call. I'll keep you posted about it next week! I hope that you had a great week and that you enjoyed conference! Love you! Miss you!! 

Until next week!

Sister Peterson