Just kidding.. but some elders finally got their visas for India and are leaving today. I'm about to hop on their plane.. where's my sari!? Really though... In other news, the snow is just piling on here! (kinda glad we don't have our car back yet... just sayin. should get it back this week! miracles!) They had all the missionaries park their cars on Friday so it was basically like a snow day. And you know how when you're in school you loved snow days? Well not on a mission, you will get cabin fever real quick let me tell you. So we heard about the Broncos... people are probably really depressed right now in this state so they will need the Gospel now more then ever! God always has a plan! Love how that works out.
We had a lesson with S and talked about the will of the Father and that Jesus Christ always submitted to His will. We talked about how He is the perfect example that we need to follow by being baptized and that he will have that desire. Maybe it won't be right away or even this year but that he will come to know that this church is true. He still comes to church every Sunday, reads and prays. He just needs to learn to submit His will to Heavenly Father and be willing to act to whatever God asks him to do. S is so great and always cracks us up with something hilarious to say!
Okay have any of you heard of DoTerra essential oils? They're basically the greatest thing ever since sliced bread. So, G used to do classes with them and has a bunch of reps that work for her back in Boise. So on Tuesday she had us over and we told her what bothered us like if we get headaches or stomachaches a lot, things like that and she knew exactly what kind of oils we would need to help with that symptom. So we are trying to set up a Relief Society activity where she would teach the women about the oils and which ones to use for different pains. A lot of women in our ward use DoTerra oils already so we know that it would be a big hit and also a really neat way to introduce her to the other women in the ward.
G is so awesome and so willing to help us with rides if we need one and we just know that her testimony of the Gospel of Jesus Christ is there. She just needs to remember what Elder Holland said "to fan the flame of your faith" Work with what you KNOW to be true and don't let the petty things get in the way of what you know. I just love that! I think that its a really great reminder to constantly be working with the faith that you DO have and to not be focusing on the faith that you don't have. We talked with everyone we saw this week and they said we could come back so we are praying for miracles!
I'm running out of time but know that I love you and hope that you are all doing well! I am so grateful for the support and love that you all give to me every day. Transfers are next week so I will find out what is happening next Monday and let you know. You are all a huge blessing in my life. STAY WARM PA!
And I'll try to do the same. Brrrrrrr!
Love from Co. Springs,
It'd be great to see you in a sari again. I found our old pictures :)