Hey everyone! My week was super great. I really love it here! The people, the area, my companion.. its pretty perfect!
C is still working on quitting smoking but its been A TON better. Last week, she texted us and asked us to teach her about family home evening so we went over that night and told her what it was and then had fhe with her family. A picked "I love to see the temple" for the opening hymn. So Sister Bush, me, T and A sang it together and the spirit was so strong! It was a really neat experience to have with them. And the rest of fhe was great as well, we talked about the Book of Mormon and how important it is. And they all came to church yesterday!!! WINNING! Its amazing to see how the spirit works in people's lives and to see the change in them in just a few short weeks. We are praying that T and A will get baptized on the same day as C so that they can do it together as a family. I love them so much and want this happiness for them!
Between seeing C basically every day and teaching the member lessons, we have been super busy. So, yes still tired all the time but loving what I'm doing! We have been teaching a less active girl whose our age the lessons and those have been going really well. When we recited the first vision to her she said that she felt the spirit for the first time in years. That's just a testimony to me that these things are true! We went on exchanges with the stls on Saturday and I went to Monte Vista which is a retro sketchy little town. So that was fun! I really love it down here in the Valley. The people are so humble here and treat us like family. I am kind of sad that I know that I will only have one transfer here but I am making the most of it! I totally want to come back and visit in July because they go all out for pioneer days!
We had interviews with President Rehm on Wednesday and of course he talked to me about going home and finishing strong. I really am committed to giving it my all these next few weeks. I know that Heavenly Father is pleased with my efforts and I am grateful for the time that I have had to serve him. Also, you should check out the new Mormon Message just cause they rock. I shared my testimony yesterday in fast and testimony meeting since its my last one on the mission and I talked about how much this gospel means to me and how it has changed me. I'm blessed to have the opportunity to serve a mission and to see how much Heavenly Father and my Savior love me. Its changed my life.
Well family, I gotta run now but I love and miss y'all! Try to stay warm and not get snowed on! (I guess for Ami this means try not to get burnt hmmm)
Sister Peterson
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