Monday, May 5, 2014

Is It Mother's Day Yet?

Yesterday was probably the best day on my mission so far because A GOT BAPTIZED!! It was wonderful and the spirit was SO strong! Her friend, Dariyon baptized her! He was baptized three years ago in high school so that's where they know each other from. Her mom, sister, niece, younger brother and her brother's friend were all there. It was so great that they came out to support her. Sister Clawson and I had the biggest smiles on all night because we knew that she was doing the right thing! This is where true joy comes from! I am so happy for her and can't wait to see all the wonderful things she will continue to do with her life. She is so sweet, she spoiled Sister Clawson and I with a bunch of gifts on her special day, she is just the greatest!! #pureclass Now, we are planning on going to the temple with A for her first time soon!!! She is just so happy and seeing her happy made all of us know that we are doing the right thing and that true joy comes from living the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh yeah this is so cool! So we found out that A's grandma that passed away a few years ago went to the same ward that Amber is going to now! It is such a small world and its so cool to see how the Lord works.

So a family in one of the wards took a bunch of us out to Little Caesars on Tuesday. There were some ysa guys in their ward there so we started talking to them and this is what happened:
me: "Are you a member?"
him: "A member of what?
me: "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Were you baptized?"
him: "No"
me: "Well do you want to be?"
him: "Yes!"
....basically the coolest conversation ever. Turns out his name is S and he's a foster kid that lives with a family in one of the wards. He wants to be baptized so he got permission from the couple he lives with and also his case worker. We taught him the first lesson on Thursday and are going back tomorrow to teach him the second lesson. He's so prepared and is looking to be baptized on the 17th!! It was so crazy how it all happened but I know that it was a miracle!!

We are still meeting with A.l and she is super solid. She came to church again yesterday, the CES Fireside and Amber's baptism. She loves the church and the fact that everyone is very welcoming. Good things to come!
Hope you all got to watch the CES Fireside last night. I liked that he talked about how we spend too much of our time on technology and not on people and building relationships. I know I have been guilty of that before but being on my mission has totally helped with that and not having a smartphone...that totally helps too. He really is hip haha. 

I am grateful to be on a mission now to not have to worry about all of the things that I used to. It is really nice to not be "in the world" on a mission, its actually super legit! It gives me time to really think about what I want in life and how I can be more like our Savior each and every day.

Happy birthday to my mommy today!! I love you! You are the greatest mom in the world. I can't wait to skype on Mother's day :)
See your faces on Sunday!!!
Sister Peterson

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