Monday, October 6, 2014

General Conference was Monumental!


I have a few highlights for the week... 

Tuesday, we got to watch Meet the Mormons and it was an A+! It was so touching and really well done. Dad, you were right, I totally cried at the last story of the "missionary mom". I just loved hearing her share her story about how hard her life was before she found the truth. It was neat to see how happy she became and how the gospel saved her life. Shout out to sister missionaries who taught her! It was cool to see the ripple effect of her decision to join the church lead to her son serving a mission to bless others lives. I love when she said "to give the missionaries a chance and to listen to them like I hope they will listen to my son." If people just gave us a chance, they would be able to feel of the Spirit and they could know the truth of what we teach. 

And of course. General Conference was a huge highlight for me!! I went into conference with a ton of questions and most of them were answered in one way or another. I have a strong testimony that when we ask, we WILL receive. I know that Heavenly Father is aware of me and what I need. We were at member's homes for all five sessions. I even watched Priesthood session #winning. Mom, you would be happy to know that I took notes like nobodies business. Twenty-nine pages to be exact. My notebook pages are small but still. It was so good that I was soaking it up! I love how they talked about decisions and choices. Its really up to us how we want to progress in the gospel. Love what James J. Hamula of the Seventy said "Although all of us will return to God, not all of us will remain with Him." SO TRUE. That was a very thought provoking comment. True, we all will return to God after we pass on from this life but all of us will not remain with Him in the Celestial Kingdom. I know where I want to be. Do you? 

Other then those highlights, my week was pretty normal. We were walking around last night and noticed a less active that we have been trying to meet was outside. Talk about timing right? So, we went over to introduce ourselves and basically met his entire family including his active mother and step father. His mother pulled us aside and told us a bit about him and got a little bit emotional because she blames herself for him not being active. She asked for our number so that she could call us to chat more about how we can help her sons. Its a part member situation and the wife was so sweet. They asked when Trunk or Treat was because they are planning on taking their one year old son to it! Oh the power of church activities! Invite all your friends to trunk or treat this year! Starting last week, every Tuesday we are going to walk a less active ladies dog. Wish it was a cat but ndb. 

Transfers are next Tuesday so I will find out if I am staying or going on Saturday night if I get a phone call. I'll keep you posted about it next week! I hope that you had a great week and that you enjoyed conference! Love you! Miss you!! 

Until next week!

Sister Peterson 

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