Hey family, how was your week? I love it here. We had a great week together, talking to everyone we meet. It's cool how once you literally talk to everyone in your path that you start to realize that God puts people in your path for a reason. And we may not know the reasons but as we do our best to be missionaries we plant the seed.
Cool story time!
So we were knocking doors on Tuesday and we knock on this one door and a lady answers so we start talking with her. She then tells us "Oh you're not going to get very far with me" So naturally we ask her why not and she tells us that she was baptized into the church.. uhmm hello thats crazy! So we ask her to tell us her story and she does but she isn't active and isn't very interested in the church. Her whole family got baptized when she was sixteen but none of them are active now. She has two sons who wer never baptized because she fell away from the church when she was eighteen so she wasn't involved with the church for very long. But the three of us basically became insta besties! She's the coolest lady ever! She's super open and chill which we appreciate it so it makes her really easy to talk to. We invited her to church but it was her birthday so she didn't come :( We went to her house yesterday to sing her happy birthday which she loved and she told us that we can come back whenever!
We also run into R., the ice cream man all the time. Its prety much fate because we'll be walking around a neighborhood and then we hear it.. his ice cream music and he comes around the corner and we wave our arms and he pulls over to talk to us haha. We met a ton of cool people tracting this week and a lot of potentials so we hope good things come from there!
We're still tracting all day errey day and so far we have contacted 247 non-members and counting! Dang, we should have our own reality show haha can you say the District 3? Seriously though this has been sucha great transfer for me. I meet President Rehm, my new mission president on Wednesday and then we have interviews with him next week. He wrote us an email introducing us to him and I really liked what he talked about in it. He said that him and President Anderson didn't talk about us at all so that way we can all have a fresh start and be the missionary who we want to be. He also said that we need to allow each other as missionaries to change because thats what we do for our investigators so we should do it for each other. And that's what the gospel is all about! Its about allowing others to change and not holding them back from reaching their true potential. I loved that and am very excited to meet him!! Did I mention that he's from PA? Too legit!
Happy birthday to Sister Clawson on Thursday! I love you girl. Y
Happy fourth of July!! Go 'Merica!
Are y'all sticking with the traditions of fireworks at that one park? What are everyone else's plans for that day? We're totes going to dress up in our red, white and blue garb and walk around waving american flags.
This church is true and makes me the happiest ever! I love being able to share about all that Jesus Christ has done for us with everyone I meet. Stay safe and happy! I love you! :)
Sister Peterson
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